kirste Maddocks Mumma Mentor

Get to know Kirstie Maddocks – Matrescence Mama Rising facilitator.

Name: Kirstie Maddocks

Business: Kirstie Maddocks Mama Mentor

  • kirste Maddocks Mumma Mentor

What part of South Australia are you in? I live south of Adelaide nestled between the city and the sea

Please tell us a little bit about what you do … yourself and your business. When you started and what led you to this work? Or did it find you?

For me this work took me on a journey & found me. I became a mother over 7 years ago now with my little boy and it was the most life changing event I have experienced. It unexpectedly cracked me open in all aspects, from experiencing postnatal depression to having a spiritual awakening and having my whole world shift in a new direction through that time. Which led me step by step to the work that I do today.

I had been working with women & babies for the past 15 years in Midwifery and Early Childhood Nursing. But I knew deep within me, that the mothers needed more support, honouring and nurturing them through one of the biggest transitions of their life – Motherhood. Especially from my own experience when I entered into motherhood for the first time.

So a few years after the birth of my second baby, I took the plunge and left my government job and became a life coach, NLP practitioner, Doula & Matrescence Mama Rising facilitator, supporting women and families through their most sacred journey. It was so amazing to be able to give women the support that they deserved in a myriad of ways. From 1:1 motherhood mentoring, Doula support, group programs & hosting Nurture & Mindful Mothers Groups. I just absolutely love it.

But I had a deeper calling to dive into the sacredness & potency of the womb. Which led me to awakening & healing my own womb and supporting women to do the same, through energetic womb healing, along with my most recent training in Womb Hara Massage. Healing, clearing and reclaiming a woman’s divine unapologetic feminine self. This work absolutely lights me up and to be a contribution to a women’s awakening journey through motherhood and beyond makes my heart feel completely full.

What drives you to do this work?

For me, the drive comes from being in service to the feminine, to bring women back into their bodies and remember their innate gifts and purpose. Along with the necessity of healing our own trauma’s for our future generations that are coming into our world. They are energetically different and require so much more from their birthing mothers, which I love being in service to. And being the bridge that heals those that walked before us and those that are to come to support a new paradigm into evolution.

What truly lights you up and makes you feel alive?

I absolutely love the work I do. Not that I call it work, as I get so much joy out of being in service to others. I love all things spiritual, sister circles, oracles cards, crystals, oils and deepening my learning. I also love going to the beach with my family, markets and going to a good cafe for brunch. As it totally fills my soul.

What is it that you most love to do?

A combo of the above things.

Who inspires you? Is it a place, a person, or a combination of things?

My amazing mentors, who’ve journeyed with me over the years, the beach, Nature. So many, often I’ll be listening to something and it sparks a moment of inspiration.

If you could spend a day with someone who inspires you who would that be?

Gabby Bernstein I think, or Eckhart Tolle

What do you do when you experience a creative block? How do you get your creative juices flowing?

I pause and stop. I choose to move out the space I’m in, move my body, get out in nature and allow it to be. I tend to get creative when I’m sitting in a cafe, at the beach, catching up with a friend or listening to a training call, that the things start to drop in for me.

Is there something you really want to do or try?

Totally random, but I really want to get another tattoo. I’m just waiting for the one to land that is meant for me.

What is your favourite food?

Ohh I’m a lover of all food! I don’t think I could narrow it down to one… I do love a sticky date pudding and tapas though.

What is your favourite Season?

Spring for sure! I’m a November Scorpio baby!

What is your biggest fear?

Falling off a bridge

What is the best advice you’ve ever received?

Stay in your own lane and what is meant to be yours will always find it’s way to you.

How do you handle work/life balance?

I try my best to take weekends off to spend with my family and have boundaries with socials and choose times that I engage and reply to emails etc.

What are you most proud of?

I am proud of myself for birthing two little humans most! I am also proud of taking the unknown step into my souls purpose..

How do you want people to remember you?

I want people to remember me with thoughts of how compassionate, supportive and nurturing I was.

What are your final words of wisdom for someone starting out in your field?

Follow the breadcrumbs that light you up and trust your intuition. It never lets you down!

You are worthy of being the best, most fulfilled version of yourself.

Where can the readers find you?

You can find me on IG at OR


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Thank you for sharing your story and beautiful soul work with us Kirstie. I’ve been lucky enough to experience working with Kirstie and I absolutely love the womb work that she does. Kirstie holds a safe place to share and for me, the experience was not only nurturing but helpful in my own womb-healing journey with endometriosis.

I hope you enjoyed the read please feel free to leave a comment below or reach out to either of us through our websites or social media platforms. We will be happy to chat with you.

If you wish to find out more about this Blog Interview Project I’m working on please reach out to me at

Much love and gratitude, Bec xo

All photographs are by Bec Peters, Natural Light Lifestyle Photographer for women and their loved ones.
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Get to know Kirstie Maddocks – Matrescence Mama Rising facilitator. Read More »