
Bec's Blog

Hello and welcome beautiful soul. I'm so glad that you found your way here. Make yourself comfortable and read whatever your big heart desires. You might like to brew your fav tea and get cozy. I hope you enjoy your time here.
 My name is Bec, I’m a Mum, wife, daughter, sister, Aunty and friend to many. I'm also a multi-passionate creative. Intuitive Artist, Lifestyle photographer, and mentor for creatives.

My blog

 I love to wander to beautiful places less traveled and enjoy wide open spaces. I’m grateful for these adventures and I love spending time switching off from the outside world and tuning into the heartbeat of mother nature. Switching off the phone and just living in the moment.

You will find travel stories and creative projects here. Sharing the wonderful things that South Australia has to offer and other places our hearts may take us. 
Please connect I love to get to know my community. Find my Instagram account below and an enquiry form if you’d love to find out more about what I offer. 
With love, Bec.

For all Inquiries please fill out this form

Please let me know how I can best help you. I look forward to chatting with you soon.