

Hey lovely, Welcome to my space please take a look around and if you have any questions reach out to me.

I offer Life and Business Mentoring for Creatives. 

Do any of these resonate with you?

Do you lack confidence and compare your journey to others? 

Do you have a fear of being seen and judged by others? 

Do you feel like you’re stuck?

  Are you ready to work on yourself and your business? 

Are you ready for change? 

Are you ready to turn your soul goals into your reality? And create a lifestyle you don’t need to escape from?



What does it feel like to work with me? 

A whole lot of fun with a little magic sprinkled in.

How you may feel afterwards;

Feel clear on your direction and have tools to support you.

Feel organised, having your souls goals written down and a plan to achieve them.

Feel excited about your future and where your business is going. 

Feel motivated and excited to do your work.

Attract soul mate clients that are aligned with your values and are clear on your offers.

Feel confident showing up online and in person as the business woman that you are with courage and clarity,  knowing your point of difference and how to share it authentically.

Enjoy your journey and have fun building and growing your business feeling comfortable and confident in your skills with a solid strategy in place to guide you that feels good.


12 week 1:1 VIP Personalized Mentoring

What is included:
- 30 min pre-consultation and questionnaire
- Welcome email with what you can expect with our time together
- 12 x 60 min coaching calls via Zoom (recorded so you can listen back at any time)
- Weekly action steps - My full support, energy, and accountability - Eyes on your business and what you create with feedback
- 12 weeks of Voxer support Monday -Friday to discuss anything you need in between our calls.

This is a guide to what 12 weeks working with me could look like. There are many options and I will create a container that will suit your needs.

1;1 Mentoring

I’m calling in the creatives, the artists, the makers and shakers who are ready to stop with the excuses and stop fluffing around. You are ready do the work. You know you have a gift, a message, something important to share. You are ready for more ease, flow and alignment. You are so done hustling! 

I work with soul-led women who show up with an open heart and mind. You value authenticity, honesty, and connection. You are ready to work on yourself & your business, create freedom, and a lifestyle on your terms while making a difference in the lives of those you touch.

If you’re looking for someone to walk this journey with you please reach out to me if this feels good to you. I’m grateful to support creatives on this journey. 

Are you ready to create a business doing what you love?


8 week 1:1 Personalized Mentoring

What is included:
- 30 min pre-consultation + questionnaire
- Welcome email with what you can expect with our time together
- 8 x 60min coaching calls via Zoom (recorded so you can listen back at any time)
- Weekly action steps - My full support, energy, and accountability. - Eyes on your business and what you create with feedback
- 8 weeks of Voxer support Monday - Friday to discuss anything you need in between our calls. This is a guide to what 8-weeks working together could look like. There are many options and I will create a container to suit your needs.


12 week 1:1 VIP Personalized Mentoring

Do you lack direction and clarity on your vision and how to move forward?

Are you are sick of comparing yourself and your situation to others?

Do you feel stuck, stressed out or overwhelmed? 

Is fear is holding you back?

Do you feel exhausted or unorganised?

Are you feeling frustrated and not achieving your goals?

Are you ready to take responsibility for yourself and your life?

Are you ready to dust off what no longer serves you and show up as your true authentic self ready to share and help others? 

Are you ready to create your business and take it seriously?

Are you ready to show up, connect and build an amazing community?

Do you feel confident in yourself and your brand? 

Are you ready to attract soulmate clients and grow your soul-led business in a way that feels good to you?

And are you ready to make more time to create?

Are you looking for someone to walk this journey with you?

You already hold all the answers inside of you, but having someone hold space for you to deep dive into what you really want can make a huge difference.


12 week 1:1 Personalized Mentoring

What is included:
- 30 min pre-consultation + questionnaire
- Welcome email with what you can expect with our time together
- 12 x 60min coaching calls via Zoom (recorded so you can listen back at any time)
- Weekly action steps
- My full support, energy, and accountability. Eyes on your business and what you create with feedback
- 12 weeks of Voxer support Monday - Friday to discuss anything you need in between our calls. I understand there is no one-size-fits-all in business and each client session will vary. There are many different things we can and will cover.
These sessions are based on what you'd like to expand on and what comes up for you. Come with questions and we will explore them together.

What transformation can you expect?

Imagine feeling at ease, in flow, and calm knowing you are seen, heard and supported in your dreams and your vision.

Imagine showing up confidently with a clear vision on how to achieve your soul goals feeling supported and the accountability you desire to do it.

Imagine having a toolbox to support you through the testing times and a soulful social media and business strategy,  that feels aligned AF.

Imagine stepping into your truth and sharing your gifts authentically with soul mate clients who get you and love the way you work.

Imagine creating an abundant business that lights you up and makes you feel alive. Living a lifestyle you created on your terms. Having more time to create and do the things that are important to you.

Bec Peters Photography


Bec Peters Photography Welcomes ;
Couples, Maternity, Mums & Bubs, Family, 'Be Yourself You Are Beautiful' Group Experience.
Body Art Sessions.
Personal Branding & Business Headshots.

All packages include:
- 30min per shoot consultation by phone + questionnaire
- Advice & support to produce the best results on the day
- On-location photoshoot at agreed location
- High res files lightly edited & ready to download in a private gallery
- Full print release & marketing usage with no time frame
- Option to purchase all high res digital images from your gallery
- Retreat & small outdoor daytime event inquiries welcome

- Payment required to confirm your booking

- Please choose your package below.


Personal Branding Sessions + Special Moments.

Perfect for new businesses, re brands, updating everything, website, projects, & marketing.
Also Family + Couples.
What is included:
- 2hr shoot
- 2 locations
- 30 High res files


Mini Branding Shoots, Body Art + Maternity Sessions.

Perfect for regular quarterly shoots to keep your images current & seasonal for business or any personal sessions.
What is included:
- 45 min shoot
- 1 Location
- 10 High res files


'Be Yourself You Are Beautiful' Group Experience.

Dive deeper into your Self-love journey. Raw & Empowering Sessions. You are perfect, whole and complete. Celebrate yourself!
You can also book a Lifestyle headshot day with your business besties.
4-5 women per shoot (gather your friends & make a day of it)

What is included:
- shoot approx 30 mins per person
- 1 location
- 5 High res personal files each + 1 group file
